

News - R.I.P. Stephane Jimenez

News – R.I.P. Stephane Jimenez

There’s been too many of these lately. News about great shoe people passing away. Now the iconic French bespoke shoemaker Stephane Jimenez has deceassed after a period of illness, at a too young age. A shoemaker that perhaps wasn’t the most famous name for a wider audience, but highly respected among shoemakers and shoe aficionados around the world.

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News - R.I.P. Enzo Bonafé

News – R.I.P. Enzo Bonafè

Yesterday the Italian shoemaker and factory manager Enzo Bonafè passed away, 88 years old. The man behind one of the most acclaimed brands in the Italian quality men’s shoe industry, who worked together with his family in their factory in Bologna until just recently, which he started 60 years ago.

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News - Yanko stitchdown range

News – Yanko stitchdown range

The company i work for, Skolyx, has just introduced a new range of casual stitchdown boots and shoes from the Spanish brand Yanko. A type of footwear that’s soft and flexible, low-priced yet easily resoelable, a good entry-point in to better shoes for many who are used to just cemented stuff, as well as for those who love welted shoes but needs more casual stuff as well.

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From the archive

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Church's sales drop

News – Church’s sales drop to record low

The famous British shoe brand Church’s Footwear is going through tough times. After a disappointing 2020 they raised prices with around 40-50% last year to try a new approach, which resulted in a drop in sales with another 57%. This means that they’ve dropped a whopping 81% of their turnaround in just two years time, and losses are huge. Question is if they can turn things around.

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