
Østmo Boots

Buyer's guide - European workwear boot brands
Buyer's guide

Buyer’s guide – European workwear boot brands

There’s no question that the biggest manufacturers of “workwear”, or “heritage”, boots comes from North America, where the largest customer base also is, and many new ones are based in Asia. But with Europe still being the world’s center for quality footwear manufacturing and quality leathers, there’s also a large amount of great boot companies based here. In this guide a bunch of European brands offering solid workwear boots are gathered, several of them likely unknown to many.

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Buying tip

Buying tip – Østmo Boots

Norwegian Lars Jensen, who runs Østmo Boots, does things very differently. He is a self-taught shoe manufacturer who makes boots with an old traditional Norwegian construction method, he decides for himself what shoes he wants to make, and the buyer is then randomly picked by everyone who has reported interest in the specific boot on his Instagram.

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