It’s been almost three years since I started Shoegazing, a blog about quality shoes, written in Swedish. Now it’s time for a new chapter, as I open up an English version of the blog. You are most welcome!


The Swedish version of Shoegazing has been growing ever since the start, up to about 12 000 unique visitors a month nowadays. It’s been a fantastic journey, which will continue, the Swedish Shoegazing page will stay on as usual. The English page is just an “add-on”. I have been asked a large number of times from international readers of the Swedish page (who’ve used the translation tool to make in understandable) if I shouldn’t start to write in English as well. I have kept saying “no, don’t think so”. But things change. The main reason that I’m doing this now is for myself, I want to have a new challenge. I think I’ve came more or less as far as I can with a niche blog about this type of subject writing in a “niche language” as Swedish. Gained a quite large amount of readers, got freelance jobs for style sites and magazines, started a forum, organising a large shoe event with several hundreds of visitors with the Shoegazing Super Trunk Show, started a company with the blog as base and managed to get incomes from banner advertising, made collaboration shoes with shoe brands, in my case Vass (which will be presented soon) and Italigente, got to to work for the latter (not full time, just extra, I still have my regular full time job as a Communications Manager for a competence centre at a university in Gothenburg) and thus have the opportunity to learn the shoe industry from within. As said: It’s been a fantastic journey, and I’m very thankful for all the support, encouragement and opportunity’s I’ve received from all of the various people who follows the blog.


The construction of shoes will be one of the subjects that a lot of future articles will be about in one way or the other.

The construction of shoes will be one of the subjects that a lot of future articles will be about in one way or the other.


Of course there are already several great blogs about classic quality shoes written in English. I hope that Shoegazing can be a complement to for example The Shoe Snob, Claymoor’s List and The Shoemaker World, and all classic style pages who also writes about shoes. The English page will have some cross posts with the Swedish version, and I will also do English versions of several of the most popular old posts made for the Swedish site. It will probably be some posts made only for the English site as well. I will try to keep the update range similar to the original Shoegazing, where I usually do like two posts a week. I write a number of different types of posts: Shorter news articles and picture posts, buyer’s guides and shopping tips, articles on shoe care and shoe construction, about everything from budget quality shoes to very expensive bespoke shoes, long reports and interviews, reviews of both shoes and shoe related products, and more.

And as with it’s Swedish counterpart I need you guys, the readers, to help me make things blog as good as it can be. Comment, discuss, give constructive criticism. I do know quite a lot about shoes, but not everything, and there will be things I’ve understood wrong or have the wrong info about. Please do correct me then. And also you have to have some patience with the language, even if I have a background as a journalist I’m not a native English speaker, so the language won’t be 100 percent correct in terms of grammar and spelling. Also there is still some cosmetic issues with the English page, which I hopefully will be able to fix pretty soon.
I do hope that you will be a returning reader of this blog, and that you will appreciate it!



A pic of my own collection.


You can follow Shoegazing’s page on Facebook here to get fast updates when a new post has been published, and on Instagram username I have the username Shoegazingblog, there I post mostly self-taken pictures of both my own shoes and others.