Seems like I missed doing a New Year’s greeting last year, but now we are back in old patterns again, with a picture from the New Year’s preparations and a short summary of the past year. 2018 has been an eventful year for Shoegazing, including arranging the first World Championships in shoemaking and that for the first time I now work part-time (20 percent) with the blog.


This day of the week that I have time to focus on the blog has mainly made it possible for me to keep up with a reasonable activity, after having worked about 120-130 percent in reality on Volvo Cars earlier and in addition to that trying to keep up with the blog, the super trunk events and, of course, the family, I was quite exhausted to be honest. Now that I since autumn work 80 percent (well, try to keep it at that anyway) for Skolyx and beyond that have time for the blog, life has become more balanced and I will next year prioritise keeping a high level on the articles and keep up the frequensy to two times a week. Feels like a good amount. I also do some freelance writing for, among others, Manolo.
What would you like to read about on Shoegazing during next year?

A lot of exciting things both private and professional lies ahead for me in 2019, hope you feel the same, and that you will have a really nice New Year’s Eve!