Hear bespoke shoemaker Daniel Wegan talk about dedication, which took him to the bespoke department of Gaziano & Girling, made him the head of the same department, and this year he won the World Championships in Shoemaking. He also gives a bunch of advice to aspiring shoemakers.


Daniel Wegan has been working for ten year’s at the bespoke department of the famous English brand Gaziano & Girling. Early in his career he was dubbed the wonderchild of the bespoke shoe world, and it was no surprise when he this year won the World Championships in Shoemaking.

World champion Daniel Wegan.

Daniel Wegan after he just been crowned the world champion in shoemaking 2019.

Although Daniel obviously has a lot of talent, the main reason he has succeeded so well in shoemaking is spelled dedication. After all, this is the guy who does a regular 40 hour week as a last- and pattern maker at Gaziano & Girling, and then on his spare time during evenings and weekends does another 40 hour job week as freelancing bottom maker for the same company.

So when I earlier this fall met up with him in Tokyo, Japan, for this podcast interview, we focused our discussion around this topic, he also tells his story how he came to where he is today, and gives a lot of advice to aspiring shoemakers out there. Listen below, or in your preferred podcast channel.

All episodes of the Shoegazing Podcast are gathered on this page.