The picture - The perfect plain toe derby

There’s been many thousands of iterations of the plain toe derby made throughout the years, and of these I’ve seen hundreds. A lot of lovely ones of course. But question is if this one here by last year’s shoemaking world champion Ken Hishinuma of Khish the Work isn’t the one to rule them all, in my book.


I find many types of plain toe derbies appealing, and personally own everything from my super sleek bespoke three eyelet version in light brown Freudenberg calf and a chiseled toe last by Yohei Fukuda, to chunky bulky toed Carmina ones in natural Chromexcel and thick lug Lactae Hevea soles. This Khish the Work one is somewhere in between. Perfectly balanced last and pattern, colour 8 cordovan (which I can like the look of, even if it’s not my favourite material to wear), reverse stitched facing, distinctly fudged welt and square waist. Subtly unique and just very, very good looking.