The interest in vintage shoes is big in for example the US, Japan and Germany where it’s a niche with a lot of commitment and knowledge among those who are interested. An inspirational source is the blog Vcleat that guides to different manufacturers, its history and how to care for and restore old shoes, something that also those who are not interested in vintage shoes can greatly benefit from.
It’s an American named David who is behind the site. He has during many years collected, bought and sold vintage shoes, and felt that he could make something of the knowledge he had gained, and in 2015 he started Vcleat. The name comes from the V-shaped piece of metal that many manufacturers back in the days put under the heels for improved durability, as a compromise between full leather or rubber. Vcleat is focusing on American brands, with special sections for manufacturers like Nettleton, Hanover and vintage models from Florsheim. He has made compilations of different brands’ models to help interested to find the model and the year it’s manufactured, he publishes old catalogs, and more. For the growing number of people interested in vintage shoes this is gold.
Several of the posts follow a restore of old shoes that David got hold of. They are often worn quite hard and can be many decades old, which then goes through a wash and several moisturising procedures and then polish with shoe cream and polish, to be restored to an often quite excellent condition again. He describes the process and what products are used, not least for cordovan, which of course is popular material among devotees of American vintage shoes, he has many good tips on how to care. These submissions can be really interesting even if you don’t care specifically about vintage shoes, but like to get input on shoe care and what you can achieve with this.
The model above pictured in a catalog from -69. Note the expression “pre-creased” vamp which this shoe, to the left above, is supposed to have.
How the shoes look after a substantial restoration. Pictures: Vcleat
Thank you for the nice comments on my blog. I try to mix humor with shoe hobby. Hopefully it translates. Vintage shoes are fun if you like working on shoes but be prepared to be disappointed.
The shoegazing blog is great. I have learned a lot reading it. Your photos are the best.
David: Thanks for the kind words about Shoegazing! Appreciate it very much. Keep up the good work with Vcleat and all the shoes!
Hello, I have a pair of vintage black Oxford V cleat dress shoes and the cleat goes all the way to the end of the heal.
I thought they might be Florsheim long wings but the numbers don’t work. Here are the numbers I hope you might be able to identify them. 12 D/B 04089H. 61589.
The D is directly above the B hope you can help. Thanks