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Buying tip

Buying tip – Quality sneaker news

It’s becoming a tradition that I once a year highlight the news that has emerged in the market of quality sneakers. This isn’t  Shoegazing’s focus area, but the interest is great, and as the quality of many of the sneakers has increased and now as more and more cobblers are offering resoling of the so-called Margom sole types, they have parts in common with classic quality shoes.

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Buying tip

Buying tip – Quality sneakers

Since the last post I wrote about sneakers of better quality, a lot of new options have arrived on the market, not least it has become more common for makers of classic Goodyear welted shoes to also start offering sneakers. Here’s a review of a bunch of good alternatives, and also about the fact that more and more cobblers nowadays can resole some of these types of sneakers.

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