Today is Black Friday, a phenomenon which like Halloween has spread from the United States and is now becoming more common in the rest of the world. With Black Friday sales in the classic shoe sphere it’s often slightly lower discounts, but to large parts of the range, so it’s a particularly high chance that you will find something interesting at a reduced price. Here is a rundown of some ongoing sales.






The shop at Humlegårdsgatan in Sweden has an impressive range of shoes from Crockett & Jones, and now offer 10% discount on everything with the discount code BLKFRI16. The offer is only applicable during the day. They are also launching the new last 377 today.





Another shop on the same street (for a few more days at least, before they move a stone throw away) that also have Black Friday promotion. Skoaktiebolaget has 15-30% in a fairly large selection of shoes by Carlos Santos, Carmina, Enzo Bonafé and Saint Crispin’s.



Koch & Co



Koch & Co is a German brand with Spanish-made Goodyear welted shoes priced below € 195 regular price, now a 25% discount on all models. Might be worth checking out.



Herring Shoes



Herring seems to have bought up once again sleeping Wildmmith’s remaining RTW shoes made by Alfred Sargent, and now sell these at half price during Black Friday. Also discounts on some of their own models and shoes from Loake.




J FitzPatrick Footwear



Also here it’s 20% on the entire range (except for a previously unreleased model), making it a great opportunity for those longing for any model in J. Fitzpatrick’s wide range.





Italian brand Barbanera makes nice, often a bit more casual models with its own little twist. They have 20% of the entire range during the day.


This is just a small selection, feel free to tip about other nice sales in the comments section below.