Another super trunk has passed, and once again we are very happy with the day. Over 700 people visited the event, over 100 pairs of shoes were bought for a value of about €35 000 (and many more orders placed the following days). Here’s a summary of the day in text and picture.


It was the first year we hadn’t invited the two popular brands Meermin and Vass, which meant we had calculated with slightly reduced number of visitors. So it was, but you can’t be dissatisfied with over 700 visitors, and as usual a very nice and open atmoshphere during the day. Both exhibitors, partners, performers and visitors were very pleased afterwards. The response from you visitors giving us organizers so nice feedback is very much appreciated! As usual, I arranged the event together with Joakim Berggren, Roland Olsson and Adrien Combier Hogg (who unfortunately could not be there during the day). And we were back at Scandic Anglais at Humlegården, in rooms that work very well for the purpose.

Myrqvist was one of the newcomers.

Myrqvist was one of the newcomers.

In front of the Yanko / Skolyx table.

In front of the Yanko / Skolyx table.

Gaziano & Girling goodies.

Gaziano & Girling goodies.

As mentioned before, we had switched focus a bit with the exhibitors this year, where we let more Swedish online stores take place with their nice range of shoes in different price ranges. Many were curious about Myrqvist, the webshop Herrstil’s own brand with a basic range of Goodyear welted shoes in the lower price range. A good gateway to the world of classic quality shoes and nice options for those who can’t or don’t want to spend too much on a pair. Skolyx with Spanish Yanko jumped in as replacement last year, and was well welcomed by the visitors. This year, interest was even greater, many have understood that it is really affordable shoes.
The Sabot was the newest brand in the line-up, the online store launched this summer and sells its own brand made by Italian Antonio Meccariello, really impressive shoes for its price range, and also the mentioned Italian’s Argentum Dux range, Andrés Sendra and the Japanese Yohei Fukuda’s brand new RTW/MTO shoes. The latter had many people drooling over them.

The ones most happy to be here were probably father and son Kielman, who was out on the Polish brands first trunk show ever. A lot of people took the chance to try their relatively low priced bespoke shoes, where really anything you could imagine could be ordered. Also their bags under the brand Malton & Kielman got good attention.
Hiro Yanagimachi is considered by many to do some of the finest shoes in the world. For the second consecutive year they visited Stockholm, and it feels good that people in Sweden have seen and experience, and in some cases bought, their impressive craftsmanship.
The British premium brand and bespoke manufacturer Gaziano & Girling were also in place this year again, also here it is about real top grade shoes. Daniel Wegan, Sweden’s largest star in the industry, who heads their custom department was in place.

Adeliade from The Sabot's private label.

Adeliade from The Sabot’s private label.

Blue from Kielman.

Blue from Kielman.

Beautiful sole on shoes from Japan Hiro Yanagimachi.

Beautiful sole on shoes from Japan Hiro Yanagimachi.

Myrqvist from the front.

Myrqvist from the front.

Triple-Norvegese wholecut on Jan Kielman's table.

Triple-Norvegese wholecut on Jan Kielman’s table.

Yanko loafers in medium brown suede.

Yanko loafers in medium brown suede.

Another appreciated re-visit was Michael Håkansson, aka Magic Mike Patina, who painted shoes live during the day, and answered many questions from the visitors.
In addition to the shoes, the event’s partners also exhibited. The Swedish shoe care brand Springyard, owned by Brunngård, was the main partner. Among other things, they showed their series of organic shoe care products, including, for example, impregnation spray, eco labelled by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, and their new series of footbeds and soles under the name Springyard Sense.
New partners for this year were Berg & Berg with stylish and affordable ties, accessories and clothes that showed a selection of their offerings. And Fred & Matt, who developed a modern form of galosch in functional materials, which more and more people get their eyes on as an alternative to the usual rubber overshoe. The bag brand Carl Friedrik unfortunately couldn’t come.

Wide range of shoe care products by Springyard.

Wide range of shoe care products by Springyard.

Ties and socks at Berg & Berg.

Ties and socks at Berg & Berg.

Fred & Matt's special overshoes in functional material.

Fred & Matt’s special overshoes in functional material.

Nicely painted shoes by Magic Mike Patina.

Nicely painted shoes by Magic Mike Patina.

The scene programme began with Dennis Boström from Södermalm’s sko & nyckelservice held a shoe care workshop, where several visitors joined and polished shoes together with Dennis, others followed it all from the side. It became a good grip, where you could try Dennis’s tips right away, and got a clearer picture of what it was about, while many questions could be asked and answered, techniques discussed and so forth.

Then it was time for the big finals of this year’s Swedish Championship in shoe shining, in collaboration with Springyard. A contest that was featured in the media before the competition, both newspapers and national Swedish television. The finalists Anders Sundström, Jonathan Petersson and Johan Wennerholm had 20 minutes to polish up a Loake 1880 Aldwych in Mahogany as beautiful as possible. Brilliant results by all three, but the jury finally awarded the former champion Johan Wennerholm, who also won two years ago, the title. With that he also won the shoes from Loake and a package with products from Springyard, plus of course the honor.

As usual, we ended with a panel on stage, this year in the form of open question session which were held for the first time in English, since one of the participants was Neus Benavent, store manager of Gaziano & Girling’s shop at Savile Row in London. She was accompanied by Emil Jansson, founder of Skolyx, and Emelie Stenlund, bespoke shoemaker and cobbler at Skomakeri Framåt and Södermalm’s sko & nyckelservice. They were asked questions about many things, for example whether the interest of classical men’s shoes reached its peak or continued upwards, where consensus was that the real boom had diminished but that it still went upwards.
Unfortunately, the live streaming service used to broadcast live from the scene had technical issues, which means it was not recorded as it should. Very sad, as there are usually many who look at the videos afterwards.

Dennis Boström on stage during the shoe care workshop.

Dennis Boström on stage during the shoe care workshop.

During the final of the Swedish shoe shining championships.

During the final of the Swedish shoe shining championships.

Vinnarskon, put by Johan Wennerholm, together with his siblings. Correctly what you can do with a little polish in 20 minutes.

The winning shoe, polished by Johan Wennerholm, together with it’s sibling. Impressive what you can do with a little polish in 20 minutes.

We would like to thank everyone who was part of the event in various ways, making it as enjoyable as it was! We organizers are happy to receive input from your visitors on what has been good and what can be improved so we can continue to develop the event.


Shoes from Antonio Meccariello at The Sabot.

Shoes from Antonio Meccariello at The Sabot.

Close up of Yohei Fukuda's RTW.

Close up of Yohei Fukuda’s RTW.

The sole of it.

The sole of it.

Penny loafer in grain mocka from The Sabot's own line.

Penny loafer in grain suede from The Sabot’s own range.

Shoe talk.

Shoe talk.

Jan Kielman's table.

Jan Kielman’s table.

Maciek Kielman measures a customer.

Maciek Kielman measures a customer.

Kielman sole.

Kielman sole.

Great bags from Malton Kielman.

Great bags from Malton Kielman.

Yanko was popular among the visitors.

Yanko was popular among the visitors.

Full brogues.

Full brogues.

Sula with closed channel and slightly arched waist.

Sole with closed channel and slightly bevelled waist.

Lined up.

Lined up.

Hiro Yanagimachi's shoes are pure artwork.

Hiro Yanagimachi’s shoes are pure artwork.

The international read that is the basis for the trunk shows in Europe and the United States. Now, Ohan also brought a new loafer read that was tested on several visitors, to get feedback before it was completed.

The international last that is the basis for the trunk shows in Europe and the United States. Now, Hiro also brought a new loafer last that was tested on several visitors, to get feedback before it is completed.

Here loafers test shoes are shown on the new read to the right of the table

Here loafers test shoes are shown on the new last to the right of the table

Delicious adelaide.

Delicious adelaide.

Mocka-chukka from the Swedish brand Myrqvist, Herrstils own initiative.

Suede chukka from the Swedish brand Myrqvist, Herrstil’s own initiative.

Nice sole finish.

Nice sole finish.

Table of shoes.

Table of shoes.

The range of Springyard's forestry products is increasing all the time. New this year include exclusive footbeds and soles.

The range of Springyard’s shoe care products is increasing all the time.

Shoe care chat.

Shoe care chat.

More products.

More products.

Roland Olsson, one of us in the organizer group, in conversation with visitors.

Roland Olsson, one of us in the organizer group, in conversation with visitors.

Fred & Matt overshoes tested.

Fred & Matt overshoes tested.

Proper rubber sole.

Proper rubber sole.

Magic Mike's retreat.

Magic Mike’s retreat.

Berg & Berg, which started with ties and handkerchiefs, today has a relatively wide range of different garments and accessories. And more coming.

Berg & Berg today has a relatively wide range of different garments and accessories. And more coming.

Autumn tones on these ties.

Autumnal tones on these ties.

Daniel Wegan and Neus Benavent from Gaziano & Girling speak with Niklas Nordin, known for the patch articles here at Shoegazing.

Daniel Wegan and Neus Benavent from Gaziano & Girling speak with Niklas Nordin, known for the patina articles here on Shoegazing.

Great boots.

Great boots.

Yohei Fukuda RTW.

Yohei Fukuda RTW.

The Polish do nice patina as well...

The Polish do nice patina as well…

...and are not afraid to use exotic materials.

…and are not afraid to use exotic materials.

Many tried out sizes during the day.

Many tried out sizes during the day.

Impressed looks at Hiro Yanagimachi's shoes.

Impressed looks at Hiro Yanagimachi’s table.

The SM finalists, from left Anders Sundström, Jonathan Petersson and Johan Wennerholm.

The SM finalists, from left Anders Sundström, Jonathan Petersson and Johan Wennerholm.

As always a big crowd followed the competition.

As always a big crowd followed the competition.

All three finalists' shoes, from left win Johan Wennerholms, Anders Sundströms and Jonathan Petersson. Nice result of all three.

All three finalists’ shoes, from left win Johan Wennerholm’s, Anders Sundström’s and Jonathan Petersson’s. Nice result of all three.

Swedish champion (far right) with people from Brunngård, which has the brand Springyard. From left Ludwig Aholt, CEO Brunngård, Paul Brunngård, co-founder and chairman of the board, and Niclas Andersson, Key Account Manager and our contact for the super trunk.

Swedish champion (far right) with people from Brunngård, which has the brand Springyard. From left Ludwig Aholt, CEO Brunngård, Paul Brunngård, co-founder and Chairman of the Board, and Niclas Andersson, Key Account Manager and our main contact for the super trunk.

Dennis Boström teaches shoe care...

Dennis Boström teaches shoe care techniques…

...which visitors tried directly on site.

…which visitors tried directly on site.

The Sabot sole.

The Sabot sole.

Close up of Hiro Yanagimachi shoes.

Close up of Hiro Yanagimachi shoes.

Accessories from Malton Kielman.

Accessories from Malton Kielman.

Some of the 700 visitors.

Some of the 700 visitors.