TLB Mallorca continuously develop their offerings, and the today they introduced the brand new last Van Gogh to their Artista range, as well as a bunch of new models made on it. Some really great stuff here.


It’s always great to see that new brands really can make an impact, also in an old industry as the classic shoe world. TLB Mallorca sure is such a brand. Now as most likely know by now I’m biased here, I work for the shoe and shoe care retailer Skolyx which sells TLB Mallorca, and have worked with Toni Llobera of TLB for several years. But one can listen to many others who are totally unbiased, and for example TLB Mallorca together with Edward Green was voted as runner ups to Crockett & Jones as the best shoe brands, by the readers of the famous menswear site Permanent Style. So top three consisted of two brands that are over a hundred years old – and TLB which is four years old. Says a bit. Same thing in a thread on StyleForum where TLB Mallorca is one of the top brands when the community vote for the best value shoe brand in the world.

A pretty sweet looking last, the new model isn't that bad either.

A pretty sweet looking last, the new model isn’t that bad either.

Today TLB Mallorca introduced the new last Van Gogh to their Artista range, a range with specs that one usually find at way more expensive shoes. Read more about the development of the Artista range in this article. The Van Gogh last has the same praised fit as the other TLB lasts, but with a new toe shape. It’s similar to the soft chiseled Picasso last in how square it is, but it has a chiseled top of the toe which makes it a bit more “aggressive”. It’s sort of similar to Gaziano & Girling’s TG73 last but not with the same sharp square toe shape if seen from above, and a bit softer overall. I’m sure many will love this last shape. A bunch of brand new models is introduced on this new last. For example an adelaide with peak facing pattern, an oxford with floating medallion, a lovely U-tip balmoral, and others.

From the side you can see the chiseling of the upper part of the tip.

From the side you can see the chiseling of the upper part of the toe.

Great looking U-tip balmoral oxford in dark brown museum calf from the Italian tannery Zonta.

Great looking U-tip balmoral oxford in dark brown museum calf from the Italian tannery Zonta.

A classic. All pictures: TLB Mallorca

A classic. All pictures: TLB Mallorca