
The Noble Shoe

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London Super Trunk Show 2023

London Super Trunk Show 2023

On Saturday May 13 it’s back – one of the world’s largest open event on quality shoes, The London Super Trunk Show, organised by Shoegazing and The Shoe Snob. In the middle of London on 12 Regent Street, we gather 11 brands from all over the world, partners exhibit, there will be the World Championships of Shoe Shining and Shoe Patina, plus the World Championships of Shoemaking have its award ceremony and competition shoes displayed, and for the first time we have a second hand shoe marketplace on site.

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Shoegazing Podcast

Shoegazing Podcast – Ep. 12, Kostas Mandilaris, The Noble Shoe, about selling shoes digitally

We live in a digital world, and nowadays a lot of both marketing and sales takes place solely online in various ways. One online shoe retailer who have successfully used many of the digital possibilities is Kostas Mandilaris of The Noble Shoe. In this episode we talk about the benefits and challenges with selling relatively expensive quality shoes only online, about how to work with digital marketing in various ways, and much more.

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