After this very special year we are looking at likely the most extensive Black Friday sale period ever for classic shoes. Many brands have had sales and campaigns going all week, but today the big masses came out with their Black Friday sales. Here I highlight a bunch of them.


Crownhill Shoes

Spanish budget brand Crownhill Shoes, who especially is known for offering good materials with Du Puy and Annonay leathers and oak bark tanned JR soles at competitive prices. Now they have their biggest sale ever, with more than 50 models on a discount, usually at around 30% off.


Stefano Bemer

The Italian brand Stefano Bemer have widened their RTW range significantly in recent years, both with a slightly lower priced range and one really high-end bespoke standard range. To my knowledge they rarely do sales, now is an exception, with quite a few models on a discount, especially in some sizes you have a bunch to choose from. Lowered with about 20-30% in most cases.



The Swedish store Lester is focusing on casual shoes, with a lot of nice brands in their line-up. They offer a 10% discount on the entire range, with the code BLACKFRIDAY. Even more interesting perhaps is a 20% discount on a bunch of models from RM Williams, which especially if you live outside EU and can deduct the high Swedish VAT is quite a favourable offer.



Hungarian maker of hand welted shoes, Vass, has had a bunch of sales this year, and now they go all in during Black Friday. A large part of their range is offered at 40 or 50% discount, meaning they end up from €280, which is really a good price for shoes of their caliber.



Swedish budget brand Myrqvist that makes their Goodyear welted shoes in Portugal. They’ve been running a Black Weekend promo with 20% off the entire range. Use the code BLACKWEEK20 in the checkout to have the discount applied, getting their stuff down to prices from €175.



More Swedish, now Skolyx which is the company I work for. We have a 30-40% discount on a bunch of models from mainly Spanish brand Yanko but also our own Skolyx brand, both Goodyear welted and sneakers. Also with shoes from TLB Mallorca you get a free belt in the same leather as the shoes.



The Northampton based store Bodiley’s is one of the more famous British online retailers of Crockett & Jones, and they also have two of they own lines of Goodyear welted midrange shoes made by some well-known local factories. Good already at RRP, now they are at 30% off and starting from abour €230 it’s really a good deal for those into solid British-made quality shoes.



Norwegian menswear store Cavour who has a nice selection of shoes. They have lots of stuff on sale now, usually at 30% discount, and for quality shoes they have included their own Spanish made range and shoes Italian brand Bontoni.



Swedish brand, Spanish-made shoes, in a factory in Almansa. Morjas focus on a few selected models in a number of different leather options. Now they run a sample sale where they sell off shoes they had returned from customers, so should only have been tested by customers, used at photo shoots etc., and are discounted with about 15-20%. Recommendation is to focus on their suede or grain leather options, since the smooth leather is made in corrected grain leather (leather covered with a thin plastic coat).


Sons of Henrey

The Belgian / Spanish brand Sons of Henrey, has a quite small but very well-curated collection of Goodyear Welted midrange shoes, with not least some beautiful lasts and leathers. During Black Weekend they have a 20-30% discount on most of the shoes in the line-up, so starting from €260 now.


As always, just a small selection. You are more than welcome to highlight other good sales in the comments section below.