
Riccardo Bestetti

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The picture

The picture – Re-union with old shoes

A couple of weeks ago I got to “meet” these Riccardo Bestetti Maverick adelaides again, which I had to sell a couple of years ago since the heel didn’t fit. A bit like meeting an old girlfriend for the first time in years. You only see how lovely they are at first, but then as you spend some time with them you remember the problematic parts that made you go separate ways.

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Interview – Marco Facchinetti, CEO Riccardo Bestetti

I regularly meet people from the shoe world and talk about things that may not fit in a big report or touch on any news or the like, but which can still generate interesting posts, so I’m starting a new article series with interviews of people from the shoe industry. First out is Marco Facchinetti, the Milanese who took over the company when his friend Riccardo Bestetti passed away last year.

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From the archive

Articles continued:

Event, Report, Shoegazing Super Trunk Show

Summary of the Shoegazing Super Trunk Show 2015

The second Shoegazing Super Trunk Show was once again a great success, which we organizers are extremely happy about. 900 people visited the event in Stockholm last Saturday, and over 160 pairs were sold for a value of approximately €75 000 (and even more orders are placed by visitors in the coming weeks now). Here’s a summary of the whole event with a lot of pictures.

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