As always a bunch of sales is ongoing now during summer, and as always Shoegazing reviews a number of the best of these, where you can bargain quality shoes.
Sons of Henrey
Belgian brand Sons of Henrey, with Spanish made Goodyear welted shoes, have a few models on sale down with almost half the price, but you can also get a 20% discount on the whole range with the discount code 20PERCENT.
The British brand Cheaney (top picture) have hundreds of models on a discount, down iwth between 20-40%, in their webshop. They have shoes from all their ranges, worth noting is that you may also find shoes in different widths than standard.
Carmina hardly needs a closer presentation, the very popular Spanish brand. Their prices have raised a bit the past years, which could make a sale extra interesting. Here you’ll have a 25 discount on select models, both for men and women.
A Fine Pair of Shoes
A Fine Pair of Shoes often have good sales, which also goes for this round. Not least a lot of models from Carlos Santos is on sale, but also shoes from Sanders, NPS, Berwick and their own private label shoes made by the mentioned Santos factory.
New & Lingwood
A sale favourite, British store New & Lingwood which always offers affordable private label welted shoes, which then of course becomes extra affordable when they ar discounted with around 30%, among other things a few loafers in cordovan.
Henrich Dinkelacker
German Heinrich Dinkelacker, with shoes hand welted in Hungary, have a proper sale ongoing with both their more heavy stuff and other things, which you can grab at 30-40% below the RRP.
Robinson’s Shoes
Out on Ireland you’ll find Robinson’s Shoes, which have loads of shoes on sale, mainly from Barker. A lot of stuff that don’t look to good, but if you take the time to browse the through the selection you can find a bunch of nice stuff discounded with 30-40%, for example the jumper boot Barker Lambourn, sometimes called “a poor man’s C&J Coniston.
As always, this is just a selection of ongoing sales, feel free to name more in the comments section below.