Live streaming London Super Trunk Show 2022

In this post we will live stream three sessions from the London Super Trunk Show today May 7. See live from the world championships in shoe patina and shoe shining, follow the award ceremony for the shoemaking world champs, and get a glimpse of all the amazing shoe exhibitors from all over the world.


The schedule for today’s stream is as follows:
11.15-11.45 a.m. (BST) – Start of the World Championships in Shoe Patina final, tour around the exhibitions
3.00-3.30 p.m. – World Championships in Shoe Shining final
5.30-6.00 p.m. – Award ceremonies for the World Championships in Shoe Patina and the World Championships in Shoemaking

All videos will be uploaded and available to view after the live sessions as well. You may also follow live streams on Saphir’s Instagram, and on Kirby Allison’s Youtube channel there will be a number of videos coming up later on.


Unfortunately some sort of technical issue resulted in black screens a bit into two of the videos below, we apologise for this. These will be replaced by videos from Mason & Smith who also filmed during the day, first one sorted now, the award ceremony for patina and shoemaking will come soon.


For full info on the event, see this article.