Amsterdam Super Trunk Show 2022

Time for the second edition of the Amsterdam Super Trunk Show. A bunch of shoe brands from all over the world, partners and other interesting menswear exhibitors, plus the Dutch Championships in Shoe Shining, all taking place at the amazing Vondelkerk, in the central parts of Amsterdam, on Saturday October 1. Here’s all info about the event.


Location: Vondelkerk, Vondelstraat 120, 1054 GS Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Date: Saturday October 1

Full schedule for the day:

11.00-17.00 Trunk show open for the public, FREE OF CHARGE, NO REGISTRATION NEEDED.
– Shoe exhibitors are Acme Shoemaker, Bridlen Shoes, CNES Shoemaker, Skolyx (Skolyx, Yanko, TLB Mallorca, Midas Bootmaker) and The Hand (Edward Green, Gaziano & Girling, Norman Vilalta).
– Other exhibitors and partners exhibiting: Amidé Hadelin, Dumco, New Tailor, Saphir Medaille d’Or, The ShoeCare-Shop, Travelteq and YVRA.
– Also exhibition with the top three shoes in the World Championships of Shoemaking 2022 and the winner in the World Championships of Shoe Patina.

14.00-14.30 Final of the Dutch Championships in Shoe Shining in cooperation with Saphir and Dumco.

17.00-19:00 Drinks at The Hand boutique shop.


Here’s the official website of the event (there you may also register for the free entrance, for us to know more of how many we expect to come) where you’ll get all the latest updates. We appreciate any help with spreading the word about the event! The hashtag used before, during and after the event in social media is #supertrunk.

From the first Amsterdam super trunk in 2020.

From the first Amsterdam super trunk in 2020. This time we’re at a new venue.

Two big super trunk weekends coming up! Next weekend Saturday September 24 we have the super trunk in Stockholm, and then the following weekend on Saturday October 1 it’s time again for the Amsterdam super trunk. The first edition took place in March 2020, literally just at the breakout of the pandemic, and for obvious reasons there’s been a hiatus since then. Until now. This year the event will take place in the neo-gothic church Vondelkerk just next to the Vondelpark in central Amsterdam, a spectacular venue for sure, that will offer a lovely atmosphere.

Inside Vondelkerk

Inside Vondelkerk. Picture: Stadsherstel Amsterdam

The even is organised by the shoe care retailer The Shoecare Shop and Shoegazing, in collaboration with Saphir Medaille d’Or and their Dutch partner Dumco. The main shoe partner The Hand will be do a special made-to-order event together with the famous British premium brand Edward Green, and also showcase several other brands in their line-up, including Gaziano & GirlingNorman VilaltaStefano Bemer and Baudoin & Lange. We at Skolyx will come from Sweden with our own brand of welted shoes and sneakers, midrange Spanish brand Yanko, TLB Mallorca with their praised Artista range, and hand welted workwear boots from Midas.

The Shoecare Shop is organising and exhibiting.

The Shoecare Shop is organising and exhibiting.

The Hand will have an MTO event together with Edward Green.

The Hand will have an MTO event together with Edward Green, alongside showcasing a lot of other brands the shop carry. Picture: The Hand

Skolyx brings stuff from our own brand, Yanko, TLB Mallorca and Midas Bootmaker.

Skolyx brings stuff from our own brand, Yanko, TLB Mallorca and Midas Bootmaker.

There’s three brands from Asia. Bridlen shoes from India makes midrange Goodyear welted shoes with old school technique where welting is done directly to the insole. From Vietnam we have CNES shoes, with among other things a highly interesting new hand welted range. And from China comes Acme Shoemaker, fully handmade RTW and MTO shoes made to the same standard as world class bespoke.

Museum calf leather loafer by Bridlen.

Museum calf leather loafer by Bridlen.

A lot of bang for the buck with CNES.

A lot of bang for the buck with CNES. 

Of course The Shoe Care Shop will have a wide selection of Saphir Medaille d’Or products available, as well as other great shoe care products. And we have some great style partners: the men’s haberdasher and tailor New Tailor, the modern fragrance brand YVRA, fine accessories and clothing by Amidé Hadelin, and high quality leather bags by Travelteq.

Lots of Saphir stuff.

Lots of Saphir stuff.

New Tailor is a modern tailoring firm based in amsterdam.

New Tailor is a modern tailoring firm.

YVRA perfumes.

YVRA perfumes.

Amide Hadelin ties.

Amide Hadelin offers a wide range of accessories.

Leather bags and accessories from Travelteq.

Leather bags and accessories from Travelteq. Picture: Travelteq

As always, there’s no super trunk event without a shine contest. In Amsterdam we will see the second edition of the Dutch Championships of Shoe Shining, organised in collaboration with Saphir and Dumco. Rules are the same as for most other shine contests, three finalists have 20 minutes to shine one shoe as nicely as possible, using Saphir Medaille d’Or wax polish and a lot of elbow grease.

From the final of the shining contest last time.

From the final of the shining contest last time, with winner Theo Frijn.

After the event between 17.00-19.00 there will be drinks at The Hand’s boutique shop at Willemsparkweg 71, just across the park. Will be a nice end to the day.

We look forward to another great shoe day in Amsterdam!

Following the shine contest.

Following the shine contest.