
Buying tip

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Midas bootmaker
Buying tip

Buying tip – Skolyx drops new Midas and Yanko boots

About a year ago the Swedish retailer Skolyx introduced two ranges of workwear boots, fully handmade ones from the Indonesian maker Midas Bootmaker, and Goodyear welted from the Spanish brand Yanko. Now it’s launch time for a bunch of new models from both brands – service boots, moc toe boots and NST boots – where the ones from Midas also are in collaboration with hyped sole manufacturer Dr. Sole.

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Pediwear closing sale

News – Pediwear closes, big sale

The well-known British shoe store Pediwear is sadly closing, after 46 years in the business. Now they run a closing sale at up to 50% off on everything in their store, including Carmina, Crockett & Jones, Tricker’s, Cheaney, TLB Mallorca, Carlos Santos, Barker, Paul Sargent, Heschung, and many others. Reductions will continue to increase until everything is gone.

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